Sat Oct 31
Yoshi Herding.
My doggy has a Stop! Hurray! Not a perfect Stop but miles and miles different that even a few months ago.
And he is ready for his JHD test Nov 14-15.
Though we'll be going again Nov 7th.
We're still not great about walking a fence line for a distance but JHD
isn't as large of a pen as AKC's PT and I was working in the pen that
they're likely to have it in. He still crowds the sheep too much
and we will be working on that forever but during the test I'm not
going to yell at him too much about it but instead let him circle if he
gets too close to their rears and gets in between them and the fence
and I don't tell him "back" soon enough to get him to switch directions.
Of course we did the course in less then 2 minutes and spent a lot of
time working on penning. He has a stop but his stay isn't great
and when I move to the pen latch he was moving too. I would stop
and reposition him (sometimes having to recollect the sheep and try
again.) I'm really glad we did this as it gave me a lot of
HTrainer3 also had us work on taking sheep through gates. By mistake
I sent Yoshi into the pen with the sheep, but she said that a green dog
should wait at the gate until brought in by the handler. I was
actually able to have Yoshi do a Stop. Walk (two steps). Stop. Walk.
Stay. I open the gate, let the sheep through and stop Yoshi before
going through the gate. Then he and I go through the gate and we
stop. Then I sent him out to regather the sheep. I was so
proud of him. We're doing real sheep work - such a difference to
just keeping our heads above water.
Fri Oct 30
Trek Agility.
Took the telescope to show people Jupiter.
I need to work more on her driving forward so I can cross behind.
So I need to do more toy throwing as when I do that she does it great.
Various Training Walks
Yoshi is steadily improving and I feel like I can almost start over on
his training (in a way) and treat him more like a normal dog to some
extent. I can pull on him more with the leash if he's thinking of
something he shouldn't be, even give him a light pop (though I don't do
harsh corrections anyway), as long as I don't yell at him which seems
to increase his anxiety unless it's herding which he'll tolerate just
about anything. I can also physically reposition him and
encourage him to do the more traditional watch only me routine.
Ironically the "watch me" stuff which is really hard for most CU dogs
and why LAT helps them so much as they can look at what scares them,
really does help Yoshi as he triggers so much visually. I can
also just cover his eyes if he's in a position where he's going to be
overthreshold. If I see a dog coming I can cover his eyes, let
the dog walk right up, uncover his eyes, and generally he will be
ok. He's so weird. :)
Mon Oct 26
Dogs appear to have forgiven us starting around late yesterday.
They did get me up at 5:30am which was not fun and I think is Mark's
fault in Trek's case and who knows about Yoshi, but he's such a joiner
Yoshi noon walk. A bit anxious and sort of sliding off the rails,
but not losing it at all. He actually starts to do better when I
lost patience and give him an occasional leash pop. It appears
that as long as I don't yell at him that physical guidance is helpful
in most ways as long as he's not being hurt (being hurt increases his
anxiety, being physically placed somewhere often helps.) We see a
lose dog and a neighbor dog starts barking like crazy. The lose
dog is no threat so I turn Yoshi towards me talking to him and aske him
to watch and guide him back when his eyes wander. Keeping my
voice steady and telling him to watch helps. We then walk off in
the opposite direction of chaos.
Trek walk. She worries about a football hitting the ground every so often on the street so I carry her past and she's ok.
DVD night. Went well even had all four dogs out. (Yoshi,
Abby on leash) When there was movement and Yoshi bristled I put a
hand on his collar and told him it was ok (some times covering his
eyes) and he settled back down. I just have to help him with
tranisitions. If I can anticipate them we're ok.
Terri and I in Seattle. Dogs at their respective boarding locations.
Sunday dog walks. They seem ok though they are a bit stir crazy.
Tue Oct 20
Trek walk. Uneventful.
Yoshi walk. Pivitol.
First of all it was starting to get dark which does increase his
anxiety some. Though he can see just fine so I'm a little
puzzled, but maybe he's just sensitive to the day/night transition.
Saw 4 dogs. He would look at a dog that was just across the
street and bark. This is actually a little close but I think it's
something he can work through. (Though one dog at 3 houses
distance was fine.) He would look and bark I'd give him a short
pop which got him to look back at me. I finally was able to get
his attention with "Watch," but it took some effort to make my point
even including manually turning his head back to me or flicking at his
ear. Then suddenly he seemed to get it.
[fill in more]
his anxiety was still up but he seemed better when not looking at the
dog. Maybe with him calmer now I can use the traditional only
look at me and not the dog technique especially when the dog is too
Mon Oct 19
Yoshi walk. Only saw a slow moving lab at the end. The lab
had stopped to take a very prolonged sniff so we stopped to
watch. Yoshi did well but kept locking on, but staying
neutral. I finally look up and see the dog is returning the
stare. Well no wonder. I think Yoshi needs more leave it
lessons. Like leave it for longer than the time it takes to eat a
treat. Maybe I should go back to constant treat dispensing but I
want him to get past this. I think he can now.
Later on I got more frustrated howling from him when I told him to stop
barking. I'm learning to guffaw silently, so I can catch my
breath and then tell him leave it, come again, because I just have to laugh. He's so earnest.
Vet called about Trek's stool sample. i had to write it down;
which is an Ovo Cyst
which is a protozoa thing
not worm, not a bacteria
1 to 2 seen per mircoscope field which is called "rare" (not dense)
Normally treated with Sulfa drugs but Sulfa drugs can make dry eye worse so
Leaving to see if it clears on its own
recheck in 2-4 weeks
The funny moment was; Vet carefully asking if there was a chance she
might have eaten some dirt. I laugh and say she's the queen of
Dietary Indescretion. Not as bad as Cali but pretty bad. I
also told her about my "I'm off to drop dog poop off at the vet"
Facebook status update. She laughed.
spent pruning, running, and some dog walks.
Fri Oct 16
Both dogs went herding today. Yoshi was taking cheap shots at
first but the second time he did great. At frist we were trying
the stomp your feel to make him stay out they she said let's change
tactics and stop yelling at him entirely and just focus on walking she
also had me drop the stick so I didn't use it inadvertantly to menace
him (I sure do). He did very well and we aced the course a couple
of times. I'm also thrilled that I can get him to stop most of
the time. I feel like we're actually working together some.
He also wasn't that dog reactive even though he wouldn't eat the
offered Pet Ease (this makes me think he didn't eat it last time either
- same exact motion pick it up and spit it out.)
I think I'm going to scratch him from the Bouv trial which I think he hasn't gotten into yet anyway
Trek got to work ducks. At frist she had no interest but then
engaged them more in a chasing sort of way but she didn't hurt them (I
was worried about that). She hopped into the water trough twice
and I had to fish her out because she couldn't get out herself.
That was no doubt her favorite part. I think I'm going to stop
torturing her with herding as she has been given many oppertunities and
just really doesn't care. Though at least this time she would
work the ducks. We talked about amybe putting her on baby goats
but I'm not sure it's worth the effort besides our own
curiousity. She'll get to keep coming as a tourist but unless she
seems really interested I'm not going to bother. Though when I
take her out of the car she does excitedly drag me around but I don't
know if that's about exploring or interest.
Agility tonight. Both dogs going though I don't know how much Yoshi will get out of the car.
Trek did great. Needs to drive forward over the jumps (funny she
has no problem doing this at trials). Throwing a toy makes a big
Yoshi stayed in the car till class was over and he got to spend a
little time with Rachelle. He's so sweet with her, but he's sweet
with most people.
Thu Oct 15
Yoshi walk. Uneventful, save for nearly running smack into a
Poodle. We were working on not reacting to the barking dog behind
the fence and he was doing great when a brown Standard Poodle appeared
and Yoshi too exception even as we were backing off. I got Yoshi
to focus and he was able to concentrate on me while the Poodle went by
across the street.
I'm thinking that now maybe we should work on the more traditional just
look at me and not the other dog, but I don't know if that will do any
good as the issue is his immediate impulse when he spies a dog.
I'm more thinking that maybe I should just outright dull his impulse
response with Valerian. But this week is supposed to be working
with Pet Ease. 2 tabs 30 minutes before a walk. This time I
had forgotten and he did fine, but it's that impulse control that I
really want.
Trek had an appt for an exam at Park Centre. So I thought we'd
just walk over which was ok, but she arrived stressed from the noise
and traffic and her temperature was 104.5 which is high. After
the tech had seen her and Dr Grant had taken a look at her Trek had
clearly relaxed so I asked Dr. Grant to take her temp again and it went
down to 103.1. What a difference I need to keep that in mind if I
need to rush her to the hospital.
Wed Oct 14
Now that I recognize most ingredients in a Pet Calm lable I find I read
them out of habit just to get an idea of what is what, and to see what
people are doing in the name of keeping Fydeau calm. There's one
I found that has 400mg of GABA per tablet and recommends one to two
which comes out to be 800mg (!) of GABA. Given that I haven't
been hearing of related pet illnesses or deaths I guess that under 400
is ok.
My favorite (not to use but to speculate about) is the Happy Traveler
which has Valerian (100mg) Chamomile (100mg) Kava Kava (50mg) and St.
John's Wort (50mg). If doggy isn't knocked out by that they
they're just not going to be.
Richard's Organics wrote me and said they didn't want to "divulge"
their formula. I told them that makes them unique among
supplements (ok I just found one other like that, but in general), and
that it was a disinclination to use them.
Oddly enough I haven't heard back from the Healing Barn. I should let Hilton Herbs know about that.
Tue Oct 13
As promised we're getting the tail end of typhoon Melor and it's
raining buckets. The dogs wouldn't leave the landing this morning
with out cajoling. I find this hilarious as Yoshi has this
amazing all weather coat and he doesn't really know he's wet.
At noon, feeling stuborn I actually took him out on a walk in the rain
and he did great. No dogs of course since no one else was nuts
enough to be walking their dog then. Not really a hang dog either.
After work the rain had let up and I took Trek out for a much drier
walk. This is also funny as she's the water dog, but there was
plenty of standing water for her.
Trek's videos from last weekend have come in.
This is her qualifying PII gamblers run. It's a little rocky but she's getting it.
This is her PI standard shade seeking run. The Temperature is 76 with
no wind. The first part of the run is pretty good but anywhere near the
shade completely steals her attention.
Leslie and I actually had time to discuss whether or not I was going to
be able to call her back. I just love how she runs off camera and
the camera is stuck looking at nothing in a David Letterman or SNL sort
of style.
Mon Oct 12
Jammed in both dog walks at noon because Bi-Friendly is tonight and it's supposed to start pouring rain tonight.
Sun Oct 11
Yoshi walk. I gave him a calming tab just to see if it would make
any difference. I'll probably have to repeat it for a week to get
any idea.
Today he was really not paying too much attention to me. We
didn't see any dogs on the normal walk, so we went over to the school
which is usually a pretty reliable way to find dogs. A black pug
approaches. so far he's ok but the pug wants to walk where we are
walking so we cross the street. We play look at that and things
are ok but then I hear the pug bark and Yoshi lunges. Drat and
that's even with a calming tab though just one since he's already had
two this morning. Maybe it's asking too much for him to chill
around a reactive dog. I look up and see that further down the
pug has crossed over to our side because a Brittany is
approaching. We play LAT and leave it as the Brittany passes not
even noticing us. At first I want to tail the pug but the owner
is nervous and it's not fair to do that so we take of after the
Brittany. We follow the Brit for a while and they stop looking up
Moreland and the continue up it. There are two other dogs
(whippet like) waiting to start on a walk. We walk along Moreland
passing the whippets on the other side of the street. I'm
noticing that he's doing pretty well. We get to the end of the
street and I see that the Whippets are now in motion so we cross
Gibbons and on Lincoln dawdle a little bit across the street to let
them catch up. They get to the corner and Yoshi is doing
fine. I'm expecting them to turn down Gibbons and I should
realize that I'm often wrong. They stay on Lincoln and cross
right by us across the street. Yoshi watches carefully and I have
the food right near his nose as I want him to succeed. We that
much care and feeding he does great and doesn't seem overly stressed by
them. So it seems like it's more the uncomfortable reactive dog
that is the difference here.
So the plan is that before each evening walk this week he'll get two tabs (suggested dose) beforehand.
Just so he doesn't build a tolerance (not likely but still) we won't
give it to him in the morning. I'm not seeing much benefit from
that anyway.
After that I want to do a week of one dropper of Richard's Organics (the one with Valerian).
Then I'm not sure - maybe try to isolate the effective ingredients.
I'm really quite fascinated that he's so very visual. The fact
that he can hear and smell a dog at agility (not at home, but that's at
home which he guards) but not see them and be ok is just amazing.
It's bordering on pathological, but also makes him easier to live with
too. I am thinking that I want to see if having him wear doggles
would help him or just make him completely paranoid.
Trek walk. I'm happy that she seemed to tolerate the amount of
noise on a street we were walking on pretty well. It wasn't that
much noise but it was more than usual and it would have bothered her in
the past. I didn't take her on High street this time.
Wrote Synergy Labs asking about the amount of Valerian and Chamomile in Pet Calm. Hope to hear back from them.
Also wrote The Healing Barn ( - the US Affiliate
of Hilton Herbs) to find out if they sold L-tryptophan in small
quantities. I said I was hoping to measure as low as 10mg, but
slightly higher would work. Typical for a human is 500mg so
Yoshi's dose could be anywhere from 10-100mg
Sat Oct 10 Trek got her first PII (Advanced) Gamblers Q today. Guess we're
committed now. (I could have gone back to PI before we got that Q.)
The the temperature climbed to 76 and she started out ok on her
standard run even did the weave poles on the second try but pooped out
after running half the course (I'm happy she got that far), and ran
into the available shade twice.
Yoshi did surprisingly well. As long as he can't see out he's fine. This means he can pretty much routinely go now.
He did better than I hoped. Not perfect, but good enough that he can be
a regular agility guest. He's so funny as blocking his vision of
passing dogs is usually enough for him not to react (even though he can
hear them), so he doesn't have to be strictly imprisoned in the car.
The most effective thing to help him behave when out of the crate and
wandering around? Some of Danny the caterer's Turkey Burger. I just
took a section and squished it into my hand and let Yoshi lick at it.
Dog? What other dog? Though granted we didn't get that close to other
dogs, but he certainly saw them.
I did have Linda give him a massage to see if that could help him
Yes, but no. He was completely relaxed and loved it, but just as soon
and Blancette and Crimp walked by (and he had just seen them pretty
recently) he
reacted - jump up barking lunging and trying to leap off the massage
table ( had ahold of him though). I think anytime he spends more that 5
minutes in a space he
starts to defend that space. and I don't think his lack of impulse
control stops to take into account that it's just a wee Border Collie
who has no interest in his domain. Dealing with his impulse control is
likely our last long-standing remaining issue.
And this is Trek's shade-seeking PI standard course:
Thu Oct 8
Yoshi doesn't like bouncy Aussies going by across the street. He still needs one street plus one house width.
Wed Oct 7
I'm so bummed, Trek isn't ready to travel on a plane or more correctly isn't ready for
an airport. Even walking around an outdoor shopping mall after closing
time on a Sunday was too much for her, even Petco was too much really.
The plane would likely be ok, but the airport - eek.
I am surprised at how disappointed I am. I have these big dreams
for her, but in that classic sense forget to check in with her about
them (sounds like a NondogBlog entry in the making). She's led a
sheltered life up at the breeder's home in Idaho and she's kinda
worried about the world when it's chaotic and noisy (Terri jokes
that she'd like to live in a monastery). I have this idea that we
can travel about the country competing in agility and we might be able
to, but not without a lot of exposure first.
I can see us just flying somewhere to visit for a day and then leave,
just for the miles and experience.
I've been so focused on Yoshi's dog reactivity that I've been sort of
letting her just be her beyond doing agility training. First obvious
thing is to start taking her to drop in obedience class on Wed. That's
an indoor facility and is noisy and it can make her jump. Terri and her
went through a basic obedience class and did great. I don't know how
interested I can get Terri in the more advanced classes but I think Trek
needs to do this. I was going to take Trek or Yoshi to the airport Wed
but that's just silly. Trek (or Yoshi) should go to class instead sometime (probably not tonight).
I also started thinking about the trip itself. The purpose trip is to say hello and help my
parents see that they need to make some difficult decisions about where
to live next. A very steady, stable dog would be welcome, but both dogs are not
going to be rock solid around Dad's shaking hands and sudden movements and he might be
emotionally hurt by their hesitancy around him (though I know he'd love to see them.)
But poor Trek if my Dad and I get into a heated discussion where he
starts to rant and tries to storm out of the room. She'd try to
run back to California.
So I have to remind myself that this is not about me and my dreams for
my dogs and that if I want to do that I should do it at a separate time
that I want to blow through $200 plus an airplane ticket for me, just
for fun. I suppose we could just take Southwest where her ticket
would merely be $150.
Common sense suggests maybe trying out some of the calming supplements
on her and then trying cheaper places like a shopping mall.
While it's tempting to take Yoshi (his boarding fee will be similar
anyway) and I might someday, he's flown in-cabin before and I know his
calming meds work well so flying him with me shouldn't be a problem (I
hope). Plus he likes where he's boarded and they like him.
The Corgi Nationals are going to be in Lancaster, PA for the next two
years (2010, 2011. The 2012 will be in Portland, Oregon, but
that's a long time in dog years), so it's tempting to take one of them to PA depending on if I want to do herding or agility.
Sat Oct 3
Yoshi herding. What a relatively awesome doggy. First of
all this morning he had 2 calming tabs and it didn't affect his herding
at all. Though I need to case the car in the chance that the
second one didn't get into his mouth but instead dropped because I
heard a ping right as I gave it to him, but I just looked again - no
sign, so I have to assume he got it. It was nice not have him be
dog reactive yet quite capable of herding (he even saw a beardie and
didn't freak out). The first time he still didn't want to really
stop so HTrainer3 got in there with a pvc wand with a bottle and pebbles
in it that makes a noise he doesn't like and he was instantly not pushy
and we walked the whole course with no problem at all. The second
time it was just me with pebble wand and it was still pretty rocky, but
we muddled through with me running part of the course. I still
need to work on keeping moving yet keeping him at a good
distance. I think I'll get a water bottle with pebbles in it but
I'll just carry it rather than have it on the stick (easier for me that
way). Oh and we successfully did a pen! He stayed while the
sheep gathered at the barn gate and he stayed put till I opened
it. Perfect! So nice to have a dog that can stop most of
the time.
And we got to go fetch our own stock from two pens away. (We
stayed on leash, for that but it was fun to do and surprisingly easy -
just open the gate that you want them to go through and walk to the
opposite side of the pen and then move closer slowly.)
Just heard back from Jill saying that she is concerned that her sheep
are used to big dogs but Corgis have moved them but they were confident
Corgis and she was concerned about setting him back. I assured
her that his issue now is being too pushy and that he'd probably be
Talked to HTrainer2 about maybe bringing him up to work. She said
that would be great, but the ranch was closed tomorrow because there's
a harvest festival going on up there and she's doing a demo.
So Yoshi's next herding is Fri Oct 16th unless he can go to HTrainer2's on the 11th.
I keep thinking I should give Trek another try at herding just to give
her permission to enjoy it. Given her personality she should love
it, slightly predatory and likes to run and very obedient, but
she's allergic to someone yelling or chaos or something resembles real
work (obedience work is fine). I'd like to see her succeed at it
without torturing her because she might actually enjoy it, though honestly she'd rather do agility and
In the Dog Geek Exposed category is:
I was at New Leaf Market buying some food for me before herding and I
saw the exact type of empty bottle I'd been wanting to mix the salmon
and the flax oils. I was so happy (I'm easy to please sometimes)
It has a pump on the top and is the exact type of bottle the Grizzly
Salmon Oil comes in. At check out the person mentioned that if I
want to use it to buy scent refills just bring the bottle in and
they'll weigh it first and then can subtract out the weight when you
fill it. While I was happy to hear they have such a system in place
it's not very relevant, so I said "Well actually I use it for mixing
supplements for my dogs." Now this is completely different than
what she was describing, but at a Health Food market this more than
fits in and of course the conversation instantly became about what kind
of dogs and then herding.
So I now have a half and half mix of Salmon and Flax Oil that they
get. The flax is for Trek's eyes, but it doesn't hurt Yoshi to
give it to him
So Yoshi's regime is now
Prairie Dog Food (just switched to salmon)
L-theanine 100mg
GABA 150mg
Pet Ease 1 Tablet (Then he can have one more for stressful situations)
Fri Oct 2
Yoshi Walk
I took him because Trek has class tonight and I wanted to get an idea of how he's doing.
Much better
No B1 and one tablet of Pet Ease
Didn't criticize the mail carrier's pith helmet though he watched him very carefully.
Saw two dogs both of which we had to run to catch up with.
First one was an elderly Boston Terrier moving very slowly which is why we could catch up from more than a block away.
With the Boston on the other side of the street we were able to side
and let them walk past and then we were able to catch up to them and
walk past. Then further down able to walk over to the Boston's side
of the street. (Yoshi did give an alert but not threatened bark from that)
and then we headed off.
The other dog was a Golden far away. We caught up with them when we
were at my house so after watching them for a little (Yoshi did tense
up some here), let them go and went inside.
I hope no one minds our stalking them. So far I don't think they've noticed.
Y's going to Trek's class tonight just to see how it goes. Think we'll
go early and get the lay of the land and bring the red crate.
Need to buy more Pet Ease since I'm now using it routinely.
Picked up Yoshi's food from Dog Bone Alley and we'll give him half and half for a little while and then switch him over.
This is probably too many changes at once but I think it will work and
the Pet Ease he's had before and the B1 removal is just a subtraction so
the only unknown addition is the food.
For herding I'm going to bring the Pet Ease with me to see if another
tablet (2 which is a normal dose for him) screws up his herding.
I'm trying not to worry about the herding trials especially since I'll be on my own for the AKC one.
I'll have to check if JoAnn Rogers is going to be there since she's a
part of Vaca Valley Stock Dogs who are putting this on for the Bouv
I can't believe that the primary dogs that are going to be around him
are Bouviers and Sammoyeds. He's great around Border Collies and
Corgis so I worry about my choices. I'm concerned that I want this too
much and it may cloud my judgment.
I just heard back from Jill Lockhart who is the president of the
Bouvier Club and who owns the ranch in Patterson where the AKC trial is
going to be held. Patterson is the place where Mark, Patricia, Terri
and I went to have our dogs instinct tested. Yoshi was tentative the
sheep didn't want to move and the Ram took a swing at Yoshi. That was
pretty much it for a year for Mr. Y save for more failed instinct tests
(4 of them total), until Debbie P got him herding. I'm hoping to take
Yoshi to a trial there in Patterson for his PT in that full circle sort
of sense. Oh and those "mean little sheep"? They are "no more." Wow
that's harsh. I should tell Yoshi to be glad he's not a sheep. "Bad"
sheep are dead sheep.
Thu Oct 1
Yoshi walk
This morning I increased his B1 to 50mg to see if there's a
difference. There is - he's worse. Jumpier and sort of back
to he old self, so the B1 is just going away and we'll see how he
does. I'll have to find a way to help him with his startle
response. I guess I could try chamomile et al (passion flower,
skullcap, hops, ...) but we'll let the B1 dissipate back down to the
RDA level in his food (shouldn't take too long as it's water soluble).
Dog Bone Alley has his Salmon food so I'll pick that up tomorrow.
Out the door saw a couple of off leash LWFDs across the street and he
lept right into the end of the leash choking himself. I picked
him up by the scruff just to get a hold of him and get some food in
front of him. After that he was pretty amped for longer than I
liked - for a few blocks. Did see some other dogs and was able to
sit and eat at a wide street width and a little more. Able to do
it again a little while later, but still up and having trouble managing
being surprised. The project now is to help him with being
startled. GABA is helping him recover but he's likely going to
need something else and the B vitamins (which can have a real UP
effect) probably aren't going to do it. Things like chamomile or
L-tryptophan are more likely. Given that I'm having good luck
with amino acids I think I'll try L-tryptophan now that I can get it
again. There was something like a decade long ban on it even
though the issue was people over dosing on what turned out to be
something that wasn't done quite right (I should get a reference for
that). Here's another interesting reference: which in the Function area talks about how it functions as a "biochemical precursor" to serotonin. Now that's intriguing.
Pet Ease has 10mg per tablet and his dose is two tablets. Now Pet
Ease only buys me 2-3 hours but it's a really nice 2-3 hours.
I've been assuming that it's the 45 mg of chamomile (with tow tabs
that's 90mg) that was doing it but it could be the Trypto. A
person would typically take around 500 mg and Yoshi is conveniently 1/5
of my body weight so I use that as a guide and would give that or
less. However 20mg to 100mg is a huge range and it's difficult to
measure less than a 1/5 o a capsule, so I need to look around for
smaller quantities of Trypto. (Looking) Can't find
any. Probably should just stick with Pet Ease since the
ingredient list is nice and short (Chamomile, Hops, Ginger Root,
L-taurine, L-tryptophan - We'll just give him one in the morning and we can always give him more.
Trek walk - uneventful.
There is an AKC herding event on Halloween that he could go to to try
for his PT and it's not in Vacaville, but in Patterson at the original
place where we took him for an instinct test and a Ram sort of chased
him which put him off of herding for a year. No Rams in PT tests
so it would be pretty cool to go back there and succeed. Instead
of him being weird about Sammys he gets to be weird about
Bouviers. Oh great. I wrote to the secretary, but haven't
heard back so I may just write to Jill who is the club president.