Toy Destruction

Shredded Toss Me

Toy destruction is a passion among some dogs and some corgis excel at it.  My dog in particular.  That's an inside out hedgehog to her right (yes, really) and she may be smart but she clearly can't read the "Toss Me" that's written on the partially torn up toy she's resting her head on.

It's a pricey habit though it can be highly entertaining for those watching and it should be done under supervision until you're sure how a dog will behave around a toy.  If they start ingesting the stuffing then you will have to take the toy away.  (They will be bummed, but it's for their own good and the health of your pocket book.  You can always trade them if it helps.  Give them a treat or a different toy or a bone when they give you the offending toy.

If you want a sturdy toy, Kongs are very cool.  Though Cali loses interest in kongs that don't have anything in them and she's really good a getting treats out of them (that will be featured here soon once I buy a digital camera).  Variations of Kongs are great too.  In the upper right of the photo you can see a "Goodie Ship" which has holes for three treats.  She loved it, but after a while she managed to loosen it up so that it wasn't much of a challenge to get the treats out, so we're back to the standard Kongs.

The rope toy on the lower left never got much use and has since been donated to the local animal shelter.